ishares global clean energy ucits etf usd (dist)

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  • For all new sustainable index strategies in EMEA, BlackRock works with the index provider to reflect the same screens in the custom index.
  • A Fund tracking such Benchmark Index may therefore cease to meet the ESG criteria between index rebalances (or index periodic reviews) until the Benchmark Index is rebalanced back in line with its index criteria, at which point the Fund will also be rebalanced in line with its Benchmark Index.
  • As a global investment manager and fiduciary to our clients, our purpose at BlackRock is to help everyone experience financial well-being.
  • Business activity

    • Where 20% or more of its revenue attributable to products and/or services is systematically mapped as contributing to Environmental and/or Social Objectives using third-party vendor data.

BlackRock leverages third-party index provider methodologies and data in assessing whether investments cause significant harm and have good governance practices. Screening of a Benchmark Index against its ESG criteria is generally carried out by an index provider only at index rebalances. Companies which have previously met the screening criteria of a Benchmark Index and have therefore been included in the Benchmark Index and the Fund, may unexpectedly or suddenly be impacted by an event of serious controversy which negatively impacts their price and, hence, the performance of the Fund. A Fund tracking such Benchmark Index may therefore cease to meet the ESG criteria between index rebalances (or index periodic reviews) until the Benchmark Index is rebalanced back in line with its index criteria, at which point the Fund will also be rebalanced in line with its Benchmark Index. Similarly index methodologies that commit to investing in a minimum percentage of Sustainable Investments may also fall below that level in between rebalances but will be brought back into line at the point of rebalance (or as soon as practicable thereafter).


BlackRock Asset Management Deutschland AG has obtained full license from FTSE to use such copyright in the creation of this product. ‘FTSETM’ is a trade mark jointly owned by the London Stock Exchange Limited and The Financial Times Limited and is used by FTSE international Limited under license. The securities issued by iShares Physical Metals plc are limited recourse obligations which are payable solely out of the underlying secured property. IShares (Lux) is an undertaking for collective investment in transferable securities in the form of a common fund (“fonds commun de placement”) subject to Part I of the Law of 17 December 2010 on undertakings for collective investment in Luxembourg and is regulated by the Commission de Surveillance du Secteur Financier. The contents of this website, including text, graphics, links and/or other items, have been prepared based upon sources, materials, and systems believed to be reliable and accurate, and are provided to you on an “as is” and “as available” basis. Any projections or examples (including calculations used therein) set out in this website are for illustrative purposes only and are not guaranteed to be accurate, complete or up to date.

ishares global clean energy ucits etf usd (dist)

The index provider applies a daily filtering, screening andanalysis of controversies related to companies within the Benchmark Index.Controversies which may be considered by the index provider include economiccrime and corruption, fraud, illegal commercial practices, human rights issues,labour disputes, workplace safety, catastrophic accidents and environmentaldisasters. Issuers may be removed from the Benchmark Index based on anassessment by the index provider of their involvement in serious ESG relatedcontroversies. The Benchmark Index also excludes companies that are classifiedas violating United Nations Global Compact principles. The Investment Manager carries out due diligence on the index providers and engages with them on an ongoing basis with regard to index methodologies including their assessment of good governance criteria set out by the SFDR which include sound management structures, employee relations, remuneration of staff and tax compliance at the level of investee companies. BlackRock Portfolio Managers have access to research, data, tools, and analytics to integrate ESG insights into their investment process.

Registered Locations

For funds with an investment objective that include the integration of ESG criteria, there may be corporate actions or other situations that may cause the fund or index to passively hold securities that may not comply with ESG criteria. The screening applied by the fund’s index provider may include revenue thresholds set by the index provider. The information displayed on this website may not include all of the screens that apply to the relevant index or the relevant fund.

ishares global clean energy ucits etf usd (dist)

Person and that you shall only distribute the materials contained in this website to non-U.S. Persons, and in compliance with all applicable laws and regulations of the relevant jurisdiction in which such materials will be distributed. Investment products described on the website may not be registered under the Securities Act or with any securities regulatory authority of any state or other jurisdiction and may not be offered, sold, pledged or otherwise transferred except to persons outside the U.S. in accordance with Regulation S under the Securities Act pursuant to the terms of such investment product. Person” includes, but is not limited to, any natural person resident in the U.S. and any partnership or corporation organized or incorporated under the laws of the U.S.

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Business Involvement metrics are only displayed if at least 1% of the fund’s gross weight includes securities covered by MSCI ESG Research. With more than twenty years of experience, iShares continues to drive progress for the financial industry. The content of this website is general in nature and is meant to inform investors, potential investors and their professional intermediaries of the existence of, and potential benefits of investing in, iShares products. However, this website is not intended to provide specific investment advice including, without limitation, investment, financial, legal, accounting or tax advice, or to make any recommendations (personal recommendations or otherwise) about the suitability of iShares products for the circumstances of any particular investor. If you do require investment advice, please contact an independent broker or financial adviser. You should take appropriate advice as to any securities, taxation or other legislation affecting you personally prior to investing.

The after-tax returns shown are not relevant to investors who hold their fund shares through tax-deferred arrangements such as 401(k) plans or individual retirement accounts. The ITR metric is not a real time estimate and may change over time, therefore it is prone to acciones baratas variance and may not always reflect a current estimate. Climate change is one of the greatest challenges in human history and will have profound implications for investors. To address climate change, many of the world’s major countries have signed the Paris Agreement.

None of these companies make any representation regarding the advisability of investing in the Funds. With the exception of BlackRock Index Services, LLC, who is an affiliate, BlackRock Investments, LLC is not affiliated with the companies listed above. Although BlackRock shall obtain data from sources that BlackRock considers reliable, all data contained herein is provided “as is” and BlackRock makes no representation or warranty of any kind, either express or implied, with respect to such data, the timeliness thereof, the results to be obtained by the use thereof or any other matter. BlackRock expressly disclaims any and all implied warranties, including without limitation, warranties of originality, accuracy, completeness, timeliness, non-infringement, merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose. After-tax returns are calculated using the historical highest individual federal marginal income tax rates and do not reflect the impact of state and local taxes. Actual after-tax returns depend on the investor’s tax situation and may differ from those shown.

  • ESG datasets are sourced from external third-party data providers, including but not limited to MSCI and Sustainalytics.
  • Index performance returns do not reflect any management fees, transaction costs or expenses.
  • BlackRock recognizes the importance in improving its data quality and data coverage and continues to evolve the data sets available to its investment professionals and other teams.
  • FTSE®’ is a trade mark jointly owned by the London Stock Exchange plc and the Financial Times Limited (the ‘FT’), ‘NAREIT®’ is a trade mark of the National Association of Real Estate Investment Trusts (‘NAREIT’) and ‘EPRA®’ is a trade mark of the European Public Real Estate Association (‘EPRA’) and all are used by FTSE under licence.

The value of investments involving exposure to foreign currencies can be affected by exchange rate movements. The securities are priced in US Dollars and the value of the investment in other currencies will be affected by exchange rate movements. The investment policy of the Fund is to invest in a portfolio of securities that as far as possible and practicable consists of the component securities of the Benchmark Index and thereby comply with the ESG characteristics of its Benchmark Index (as further described in Section D. Investment strategy below). By investing in the constituents of its Benchmark Index, the Fund’s investment strategy enables it to comply with the ESG requirements of its Benchmark Index as determined by the index provider.

The Benchmark Index targets a constituent count of 100, although more than 100 stocks can be included where all such stocks have a maximum clean energy exposure score. Where there are fewer than 100 stocks with a maximum clean energy exposure score, stocks with significant and moderate clean energy exposure scores may be included until the target number of 100 constituents has been reached. It is possible for the resulting number of the Benchmark Index constituents to be lower than 100 if it is necessary to remove stocks with lower clean energy exposure scores to maintain the minimum weighted average exposure set by the index methodology. Companies are considered for inclusion in the Benchmark Index if they are determined by the index provider to be involved in the production of clean energy or the provision of clean energy technology & equipment.

If the Fund invests in any underlying fund, certain portfolio information, including sustainability characteristics and business-involvement metrics, provided for the Fund may include information (on a look-through basis) of such underlying fund, to the extent available. The capital return and income of each iShares fund are based on the capital appreciation and income on the securities it holds, less expenses incurred. Therefore, each iShares fund’s return may be expected to fluctuate in response to changes in such capital appreciation or income. Additionally, the securities in an equity benchmark index may under-perform fixed income investments and stock market investments that track other markets, segments or sectors different to that of an iShares fund.

Fund Information

​The Fund takes into consideration principal adverse impacts on sustainability factors by tracking the Benchmark Index which incorporates certain ESG criteria in the selection of index constituents. Business Involvement metrics are not indicative of a fund’s investment objective, and, unless otherwise stated in fund documentation and included within a fund’s investment objective, do not change a fund’s investment objective or constrain the fund’s investable universe. Additionally, BlackRock, actively participates in any relevant provider consultations regarding proposed changes to methodologies as it pertains to third party data sets or index methodologies and submits comprehensive feedback and recommendations to data provider technical teams. BlackRock often has ongoing engagement with ESG data providers including index providers to keep abreast of industry developments.

The Investment Manager does not perform direct engagement with the companies / issuers within the Benchmark Index as part of the investment strategy of the Fund. The Investment Manager will engage directly with the index and data providers to ensure better analytics and stability in ESG metrics. Engagement with companies in which we invest our clients’ assets occurs at multiple levels within BlackRock. Engagement also allows the portfolio management team to provide feedback on company practices and disclosures.

Further ETFs on the S&P Global Clean Energy index

Any ESG rating or analyses applied by the index provider will apply only to the derivatives relating to individual issuers used by the Fund. Derivatives based on financial indices, interest rates, or foreign exchange instruments will not be considered against minimum environmental or social safeguards. Where any investment ceases to qualify as a sustainable investment between index rebalances, the Fund’s holdings in sustainable investments may fall below the minimum proportion of sustainable investments.

The Information is provided “as is” and the user of the Information assumes the entire risk of any use it may make or permit to be made of the Information. Neither MSCI ESG Research nor any Information Party makes any representations or express or implied warranties (which are expressly disclaimed), nor shall they incur liability for any errors or omissions in the Information, or for any damages related thereto. The foregoing shall not exclude or limit any liability that may not by applicable law be excluded or limited. BlackRock applies a comprehensive due diligence process to evaluate provider offerings with highly targeted methodology reviews and coverage assessments based on the sustainable investment strategy (and the environmental and social characteristics or sustainable investment objective) of the product. Our process entails both qualitative and quantitative analysis to assess the suitability of data products in line with regulatory standards as applicable.